“Our children and families will be healthy, achieve their dreams, living and celebrating our language, culture and be proud Nlha’7kapmux.”
The Society provides wholistic prevention, support, and protection services embracing Nłeʔkepmxcín beliefs, and values.
- Advocacy: To advocate in the best interests of all children and families.
- Accountability: To deliver quality programs and services to children, family, and communities.
- Communication: To promote open, honest, and respectful communication.
- Empathy: To be kind, considerate, and mindful.
- Equitability: To ensure that our children and families receive the optimal level of services.
- Knowledge: To promote appropriate, quality services through knowledge sharing, education, and training for the wellbeing of our families.
- Respect: To respect the integrity of the family and work environment.
Our History
Nlha’7Kapmx Child and Family Services Society (NCFSS) has always been a fully delegated child and family service agency. Social Work staff provide the full range of statutory child protection and guardianship services to the six-member communities in accordance with BC Child and Family Service legislation. As such, NCFSS is required to meet the Aboriginal Operations and Practice Standards (AOPSI).
Children at risk can remain at home while the family receives the help it needs for long term success. The development of these new and enhanced services will rely on the input from Elders and community members to ensure they are culturally-based on Nlaka’pamux Nation traditions. This cultural input from Elders and members will be ongoing and structured so that the Board, staff, the six Chiefs and Councils and community members will be informed and can respond to the effectiveness of new programs and services. The structure will include a planning committee; an Elder’s advisory committee; a Youth advisory committee; a website and newsletter; staff and management workshops; and regular Board and staff meetings. The Social Workers will have new options to provide services to families which will keep children in their own homes, while the families receive the supports they need. These include family support workers; teaching homemakers and one to one youth workers.
Nlha’7kapmx Child and Family Services (NCFSS) was established in 1994 through a bi-lateral Transfer of Authority Agreement with the Provincial Ministry of Children and Families and the 6 Nlaka’pamux communities of Lytton, Siska, Skuppah, Nicomen, Cook’s Ferry and Kanaka Bar. Each community appoints one representative to the Board of Directors. The offices of NCFSS are located on leased land of the Skuppah Band.